Karlus soler

Magic, clown & visual comedy


Magic-Clown-Visual Comedy-Street Theater


I started with magic in 1990 and went on until 2005, when I discovered the clown. From then on I fused different arts in my shows, and doing theatrical magic.. Creator of most of my tricks and shows, I seek originality and fun on stage.

I make and invent everything I can to personalize it and be different.

I love the absurd ...




National Award France Great Illusions 1994

National Prize of Spain great illusions 1995

National Prize Spain comic magic 2010

Almussafes International Prize 2011

Figueres Comic Festival Award 2011


Actions performed in different countries:

Spain - Portugal - France - England and Andorra.

karlus production



info@karlus.es     TEL  +34 630 080 710